Uncertainty in the times of Covid

Lockdown - noho rahui
Preparing learners for an uncertain future
Thinking like a scientist is more important than simply knowing specific formulae or procedures; or that thinking like a historian, i.e. understanding how the narrative of society has emerged, developed, advanced, and sometimes unraveled when the context changed, goes well beyond remembering dates, names, and places.
Provocation: A careful balance between a ‘negotiated’ and a 'designed curriculum'
Twenty-first-century curricula need to be characterized by:
- rigor (building what is being taught on a high level of cognitive demand)
- focus (aiming at conceptual understanding by prioritizing depth over breadth of content)
- coherence (sequencing instruction based on a scientific understanding of learning progressions and human development).
- true to the disciplines, while aiming at interdisciplinary learning and building students’ capacity to see problems through multiple lenses.
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