Workflow Agenda: Google Apps and Tools

Great introduction to the day with reflection of where we were at in terms of understanding. Good to see that there were things I did feel comfortable with and the areas I felt totally out of my depth but thought I knew.  Drowning in design deficiency is something quite disruptive, to where you think you are at developmentally. However, the process is iterative, so each week builds on the previous learning and keeps amplifying.  A useful day of being introduced to a number of aspects of GMAIL that we did automatically in the past, as an expedient activity, but had not included the options available. The times I said 'I will deal with this later, but never got back to it, and in some cases did not know where to put it! The continual process of managing workflow is so helpful and the group also added their ideas to contextualise for their situation.  A revelation was Keep, as the Uber application to keep us on track and organise our lives. This is going to save time in so many ways and I am going to explore this in more depth.

As I use Hangouts in my work, having the session with Makaore was beneficial in seeing other possibilities for differences uses of this really great application.  Combining the use of group hangout with the SLJ blogging was inspired, as it linked pedagogy to practice in such an informed way. I am finding being in the group with Vicki and Makaore, so helpful for their professional supervision, as I am seeing first hand their skills, content and practice in an authentic context.  The reference back each week to hangouts will enable us to be more effective in how we use it to increase communication possibilities.

As I went through the day, I was constantly making connections to how this could be linked to Class On Air Episodes of intentional acts of teaching. The format of the day allowed for keeping the pace up and the energy working, to keep people hooked and interested. Beginning the day with a reminder of how Learn influences all our work, keeps us centered with the Pedagogy and kaupapa of Manaiakalani, which is important in our understanding and our future focus. The transition from week to week has a natural progression and builds on iteratively each week. I think the planning of the sessions has been crafted and designed cleverly with space to add local flavour.  The participants in the group, who in this case are mostly from the College, bring a different perspective, but also contribute ideas, which can be useful for others to share.  The DFI at Otaki is a day of accelerated thinking, learning and understanding of how students feel when they get tired, under pressure and not fully understanding. Everyone in the group commented of how they were feeling - sore from sitting, tired from brain punches but also loving the chance to be the learners in a context out of their own environments.

All credit to Vicki and Makaore, who have provided such inspirational leadership and enjoyment with help and friendship built in to the kaupapa.


  1. Kia ora Anne,

    Thank you for sharing your whakaaro with us. I really do love reading through the blog posts and seeing what has connected with each of our participants. I also have to acknowledge the huge amount of preparation that has gone into the content from Dorothy and Gerhard. They have done a fantastic job of setting us up for success with the content of the session.

    Remember to add a title to your blog posts and to include labels to link your posts together.

    Looking forward to continuing this learning journey with you.

    Ngā mihi


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