New beginnings, new ideas, new partnerships, new opportunities

Partnership with the Faculty of Education at the University of Auckland in a Virtual Practicum.

We have been presented with an opportunity to partner with the University of Auckland to build partnerships with Manaiakalani in the Teacher Training space through a Practicum Pilot.  The Head of Teacher Education is keen to see future Practicum Programmes include Manaiakalani’s digital teaching and learning processes and pedagogy.  This pilot is a chance to share our expertise, knowledge and skills and influence future teachers coming into our profession and schools.

  1. Designing a digital learning experience: Using the brief they have been given, what they have learned from the introductory session about Manaiakalani’s signature pedagogy and access to further seminars through the Manaiakalani Innovative Teachers resource, the STs will work in groups of 4-5 to design a digital learning experience that responds to the brief they have received. They will use Google Sites as the medium for the experience, and technical support is available from the University and examples from your sites to help them navigate Google Sites. Their  University professional supervisors will also be available to provide feedback on the STs  ideas, and the STs can meet with their Supervisors to talk through the task and get feedback during the process. During this time the STs will also be able to explore students’ blogs in their classroom, and will be invited to comment on the students’ work.
  2. The task concluded with the student teachers Meeting as a group, to present the experience they have made and talk about what they have done and why. The AT's will provide feedback for the STs on their work, and where possible, their learning experience will be given to the children to try, so they can see how the children respond to it. 
These are the practicum outcomes that the proposed activities contribute to:
  • Building relationships with a class teacher and communicating effectively in writing with ākonga and colleagues (LO 1)
  • Creating a positive online environment that responds to ākonga learning needs in mathematics (LO 2)
  • Using digital technologies to deliver curriculum and respond to learners; collaborating with colleagues to design a digital experience (LO4). This has been an amazing experience and a chance for the Teacher Education Faculty to see what we do in Manaiakalani Schools and how this can contribute to future programmes to prepare students for working in Digital schools.
    I am really excited about this experience, and hope we can do it, or something like it, with each group that goes through so that we do develop digitally fluent teachers for our schools.’ F.Ell Head of Teacher Education, University of Auckland.


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