SPARK MIT day 15th May was an illumination into the importance of partnerships and collaboration. Partnering our MIT teachers with SPARK buddies will provide sounding boards and expertise through reciprocal collaboration. The buddies expressed the hope that this would be a great opportunity for both pairs to learn from each other. The buddies were excited about the chance to 'put something back' by offering their support. Sarah and Mary from the Foundation put the pairing together and the expectation that ideas will contribute to @clusternz learning. Here are the SPARK Buddies doing their introductions. Dorothy presented some tools for Google Save and Google Keep, which got everyone excited.
So to work unpacking, reframing, assessing, deciding, collaborating, puzzling, debating, supporting, making connections, refining and clarifying the Inquiries so they are innovations not repetitions.
It was interesting to hear the different Inquiries, but in talking aloud, reflection occurred, which created more critical thinking in the purpose of the Inquiry and whether they were actually doing what they were purported to do. The other area of discussion was about how everyone was assessing the progress and outcomes of the Inquiry. Were they visible? How were they tracking?
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