
Showing posts from May, 2020

2020 Change theory, change thinking and change direction

Add caption                          Change  Leaving a city and a life you created, is hard but it also offers choice and change.  The choice I had was to take the chance of a  change to alter direction and vision in my learning.  This has been a test of resilience and courage to step away from all things comfortable and walk a lesser-known path. A new year, a new beginning has its challenges but unless we expose ourselves to these 'blips' we may never know what we are capable of.  My move to Wellington has offered me a different direction, but also new opportunities. From a house to an apartment Adjusting to a different living situation is also a challenge, having no garden and much less room to  store years of 'stuff'. But it also means I can spend more time doing the other things I enjoy taking part in.