Innovative teachers at KPMG 2018 with Moonshot Thinking.

Manaiakalani Innovative Teachers Workshop at KMPG Headquarters in May Following the Hui in March and taking the feedback and different perspectives of Moonshot Thinking, our day at KMPG required a lot of down to earth thinking on how our Inquiry was going to look. Ideas had changed from the previous day and the input from Rebecca Jesson also impacted on how we were going to frame the inquiry. Original thinking changed and a lot of talking followed, with justification as to why the changes had been made. We tested our ideas on each other for validity and effectiveness in accelerating learning and had robust discussion, which helped us to look at tour hypothesis and rethink the purpose and goal. This was a great example of not being in a fixed mindset but open to other ideas from the cooperative. Group think is powerful and empowering. A feature of this day was being introduced to the Catalyst Board Game to interrogate our Inquiries. The questions really helped everyo...